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Effective Strategies for Managing a Hyperactive Child

Handling a hyperactive child can be challenging, but with patience, understanding, and some effective strategies, you can help manage their behavior. Here are some tips for handling a hyperactive child: 1 . Establish a Routine:   Create a structured daily routine with specific times for meals, play, homework, and sleep. Consistency and predictability can help a hyperactive child feel more secure and calm. 2.Provide Regular Physical Activity:  Encourage your child to engage in regular physical exercise or activities that allow them to release their energy in a controlled and positive way. This can help reduce hyperactivity and improve focus. 3. Break Tasks into Smaller Parts:  When assigning tasks or chores, break them down into smaller, manageable steps. This can make tasks less overwhelming and help the child stay focused. Use Visual Aids and Timers: Visual aids such as charts, calendars, or checklists can help a hyperactive child understand and follow routines. Timers can also be use

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